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To interact with the Spark Commodities API, your application must authenticate. You should use OAuth v2.0 to authenticate to the Spark REST API. Authenticating requires the following steps:

Create an OAuth2 Client

You must first create an OAuth2 client- this is a one-time operation, and each OAuth2 client provides you with a Client ID and a Client Secret. Visit our application to manage your clients. Once your OAuth2 client is set up, you can download your Client ID and Client Secret as a CSV.

Note 1

Client ID and Client Secret must be kept confidential in storage.

Note 2

OAuth2 clients are owned by an organisation and not a user. This is to ensure that personnel changes are easier to manage in the future.

Generate an Access Token


Create an Access Token with querying /oauth/token

Detailed version

After obtaining a Client ID and a Client Secret, you can make an API call to obtain an access token using the Create an Access Token endpoint.

To create an access token, you will have to specify a scope: this is a list of permissions your application requires.

An access token is an opaque string that denotes who has authorized which permissions to the Spark API. This access token has short-lived access (30 minutes).

When the Spark API issues a new access token, it also generates a refresh token that expires after a very long time (this is also returned in the API response). When your access token expires, your application can use the refresh token to obtain a new access token. It can do this behind the scenes, and without the user’s involvement, so that it’s a seamless process to the user.

Available scopes are

  • read:prices: Reading Spark contracts and price releases. Require an LNG Freight or an LNG Cargo subscription.
  • read:routes: Reading Spark routes. Require an LNG Freight subscription.
  • read:access: Reading Spark Access data. Require an Access subscription.
  • read:netbacks: Reading Spark Netbacks data. Require an LNG Cargo subscription.

Deprecation note

Scope read:lng-freight-prices is now deprecated. It has been replaced by read:prices. You can still use it, but its support will be dropped at the latest on 2022-12-31.

Make Authenticated Requests

To authenticate subsequent API requests, you have to provide a valid access token in an HTTP header:

HOST: my-server
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


All requests must be made over HTTPS.